Our Story
Evergreen Playhouse was established in 1959 by a group of area citizens with a strong commitment to the theatre arts. This group of people led to the first Board of Directors of The Evergreen Playhouse. Including President- Marilyn Crosta, Vice President- Joy Linder, Secretary- Lois Nordquist, Treasurer- Carol Swenson and members Robin Koenniger, Lois Crampton, Richard Linder, Anne Caldwell, and Phillip Wickstrom. It has operated continuously since that time, presenting a variety of live theatre experiences to the community and providing many opportunities for people to share their talents on stage and off. At its inception, Playhouse founders made a decision that the theatre group would not undertake any production without funds to cover production costs. This policy has been maintained throughout the sixty-plus years of Evergreen Playhouse’s existence. Unlike many theatre companies, professional as well as non-profit, Evergreen has never operated “in the red.” Five dollar bonds were sold to finance its first play, Sabrina Fair, and were redeemed, as promised, following the production. Since that time, money to finance every play has been available before the play was produced.
At first, physical space to perform plays was donated to Evergreen Playhouse. The ballroom of the Lewis and Clark Hotel was the first “theatre” setting. Other locations were borrowed or rented until 1972, when the Playhouse received bank financing to purchase a building at 226 West Center Street, its present location. This facility has undergone several stages of adaptation and remodeling to make the most effective use of existing space. In 1989, the Playhouse made final mortgage payments and now holds a clear title to the Center Street building.
Past Productions
SABRINA FAIR by Samuel Taylor, Director- Marilyn Crosta, January
BELL, BOOK AND CANDLE by John Van Drutens, Director- Margret Oliver May
12 ANGRY MEN by Reginald Rose, Director Margret Oliver, Phillip Wickstrom, October
THE EMPORER AND THE CHINESE NIGHTENGALE by Merrie Virginia Fenton, Director- Marilyn Crosta, November1961
CLAUDIA by Rose Franken, Director- Marilyn Crosta, February
SEPARATE TABLES by Terence Rattigan, Director Frank Rosa, May
BUS STOP by William Inge, Director-Margaret Oliver, Producer –Bob Mitten, October1962
THE CRUCIBLE by Arthur Miller, Director- Phillip Wickstrom, Producer –Nancy Johnson, February
THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC by Howard Teichmann and George Kaufman, Director Frank Rosa, Producer- Ellen Peterson, May
THE MAN IN THE DOG SUIT by Albert Beich and Wm Wright, Director- Ann Caldwell, producer Robin Kuenninger, October1963
REBECCA by Daphne De Maurier, Director Margaret Oliver, Producer- Barbara Johnstone, February
THE PHYSICIAN IN SPITE OF HIMSELF by Edward Albe, Director –Phillip Wickstrom, Producers- Richard Weatherford, Judy Simpson, May
THE SANDBOX by Edward Albe, Edward Albe, Director –Phillip Wickstrom, Producers- Richard Weatherford, Judy Simpson, May
COME BLOW YOUR HORN by Neil Simmon, Director- Ann Caldwell, Producer- Robin Loenninger, October1964
THE HEIRESS by Ruth and Augustus Guetz, Director- Frank Rosa, Producer- Nancy Johnson, February
MY THREE ANGELS by Sam and Bella Spewack, Director- Ellen Petersen, Producer- Elaine Hay, May
AN EVENING WITH SHAKESPEARE- 5th anniversary of the Playhouse, selected readings by members.1965
INHERIT THE WIND By Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, Director- Margaret Oliver, Producer-Barbara Johnstone, February
KIND SIR by Norma Kransna, Director- Anne Caldwell, May
WHAT SHALL WE TELL CAROLINE/ DOCK BRIEF by John Mortimer, Directors Barbara Johnstone and Phillip Wickstrom,October1966
THE GLASS MENAGERIE by Tennesse Williams, Director- Frank Rosa, Tech Director- Phillip Wickstrom, Producer- Betty Mackay,February
THE LARK by Jean Anovilh, Director- Robert Williams, Producers- Nancy Johnson, Mary Kenady, May
UNDER THE GASLIGHT by Augustin Daly, Director Margaret Oliver, Producers- Jennifer Williams, Hans Polk, October1967
THE CHALK GARDEN by Enid Bagnold, Producer Larry Christomos,February
THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST by Oscar Wilde, Director- Robert Williams, Producer-Frank Rosa, May
A MAJORITY OF ONE by Leonard Spiegelglass, Director- Anne Caldwell, Producer- Betty Sieler, November1968
AH! WILDERNESS by Eugene O’Neil, Director-Margaret Oliver, Producer-Rhoda Blacksma, February
THE CRADLE SONG by Gregario and Martinez Sierra, Director- Frank Rosa, Producers- Jennifer Williams and Ann Rosa, May
ALL MY SONS by Author Millers, Director- Sharon Creghton, Producer- Ann Jacobus, October1969
FANTASTICS by Tom Jones, Director- Phillip Wickstrom, Producer- Anne Caldwell, Musical Director-Lyman Coppess, February
JANUS by Carolyn Green, Director- Marc Burdick, Producer-Rhoda Blacksma, April
THE LITTLE FOXES by Lillian Hellman, Director- Walter Jaroszynski,November -
HARVEY by Mary Chase, Director- Frank Rosa, Producer- Margaret Oliver, February
DON’T DRINK THE WATER by Woody Allen, Director- Anne Caldwell, Producer-Ann Rosa, May1972
OUR TOWN by Thornton Wilder, Director- Frank Rosa, Tech Director-Eric Hagberg, Producers- Jody Muyskers and Sue Zimmerman, NovemberEvergreen Playhouse purchases Center Street location
PLAZA SUITE by Neil Simon, Director- John Newman, Producer Opal Mohr, February
A DOLL HOUSE by Hendrick Ibsen, Director- Betty Sieler, Producer- Jody Muyskens, May
SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARVES- Director- Miss Jo Kuder ,Producer-Anne Caldwell, Musical Director Melody Coleman,August
READER’S THEATER/ THE MAGIC EGG Director- Bill Moeller, Producer- Jean Senk, December1974
THE PLEASURE OF HIS COMPANY by Samuel Taylor, Director- Anne Caldwell, March
THE ABSENCE OF A CELLO by Ira Wallach, Director- Ann Jocobus, Producer- Anne Wegant, May
BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE by Leonard Gershe, Director- Florence Kennicott, Producer- Jody Muyskens, October1975
THE TICKET-OF-LEAVE-MAN by Tom Taylor, Director-Margaret Oliver, February
PORTAITS OF ARAN Directors- Marc and Pam Bridgham, March
ROYAL GAMBIT by Herman Gressieker, Director Marla Wheeler,May
WIND IN THE WILLOWS by Kenneth Grahame, Director- L.S. Grice,June
GODSPELL by J.M. Tebelack and S. Swuartz, Director Joan Kuder, assistant director J.C. Willis, August
THOUSAND CLOWNS by Herb Gardener, Director- Jean Marie Wood, November1976
LIFE WITH FATHER by Howard Lindsey and Russel Crouse, Director- Frank Rosa, February
THE WOMEN by Clare Boothe Luce, Director- Anne Caldwell, May
THE TAVERN by George M. Cohan, Director- Mike McGallard, August
PLAY IT AGAIN SAM by Woody Allen, Director-Bill Moeller, Producer Jean Senk, Assistant director- Julie Shea, October1977
WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION by Agatha Christie, Director- Margaret Oliver, December
FINISHING TOUCHES by Jean Kerr, Director Anne Caldwell, Assistant Director- Majory McAuley, Producers- Metta Wickstrom and Frances Moeller
LILIOM by Ferenc Molnars, Director- Mary Stough, Assistant Director- Joan Hinchmen, November1978
THE LION IN WINTER by James Goldman, Director- Anne Caldwell, Producer- Bob Zimmerman, February
ARE WOMEN PEOPLE? by Charlotte Perkins, Director- Gina Blum and Lanita Grice, March
ONCE MORE WITH FEELING by Harry Kurnitz, Director Howard Stuewe, Producers- Metta Wickstrom and Anne Caldwell, Assistant Director- Debbie Conrad, November
THE PRIVATE EYE/THE PUBLIC EAR- a Seattle travelling theater group
ARSENIC AND OLD LACE by Joseph Kresselring, Director- Bill Moeller, Producer- Susan Zimmerman, Assistant Director- Debbie Conrad, November
BOOK REVUE TONIGHT Presented by Phillip Wickstrom, Music- Terry Todd
PRIVATE LIVES by Noel Coward, Director- Anne Caldwell, November -
FANTASTICKS by Tom Jones, Director Phillip Wickstrom, Producers- Mike Helling and Anne Caldwell, February
THE MOUSTRAP by Agatha Christi, Director Chuck Hatcher, May
ABSURD PERSON SECULAR by Alan Aykbourn, Director- Tove Webster, Producer- Chuck Hatcher, May
ANY WEDNESDAY by Muriel Resnic, Director- Anne Caldwell,February
LOVERS AND OTHER STRANGERS by Renee Taylor and Joseph Bologna’s, Director- Chuck Hatcher, May
THE BIRDS by Aristophanes, Director-Tove Webster, August
STAR-SPANGLED GIRL by Neil Simon, Director- Ed Jefferies,November
VERONICA’S ROOM by Ira Levin, Director- Chuck Hatcher, Producer-Michael Helling, February
ANSWERS/CHAMBER MUSIC by Tom Topor, Director- Dan Hannan,May
THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST by Oscar Wilde, Director- Chuck Hatcher, Production coordinator- Suzanne Sweetingham, February1983
BORN YESTERDAY Garson Kanin, Director- Margaret E. Wood, Production Coordinator- Suzanne Sweetingham, April
SUNSHINE BOYS by Neil Simon, Director- Anne Caldwell, April
TEN LITTLE INDIANS by Agatha Christie, Director- Tove Webster, Assistant Director- Laura Geiger, November1984
UNCLE FRED FLITS BY by Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, Director- Jeff Noyes, March
BAREFOOT IN THE PARK by Neil Simon, Director- Anne Caldwell, June
ON GOLDEN POND by Earnest Thompson, Director- Bill Moeller, Assistant Director- Barbara Geist, November1985
BUS STOP by William Inge, Director- Tove Webster, November
COME BLOW YOUR HORN by Neil Simon, Director Anne Caldwell,May
THE BUTLER DID IT by Peter Marks, Director- Todd Crawford,November1986
DIRTY WORK AT THE CROSSROADS by Bill Johnson, director- Anne Caldwell, February
HOBSON’S CHOICE by Harold Brighthouse, Director Tove Webster,May
BULLSHOT CRUMMOND by Ron House, Diz White, ET. All, Director Bill Moeller1987
THE MIRACLE WORKER by William Gibson, Director Phillip Wickstrom, February
UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE by Lawrence Roman, Director- Anne Caldwell, May
THE BARRETTS OF WIMPOLE STREET by Rudolf Besier, Director- Michael Helling, October1988
6 RMS RIV U by Bob Randall, Director- John Panesko Jr., February
MY THREE ANGELS by Sam and Bella Spewack, Director- Ed Jefferies, May
THE ODD COUPLE (FEMALE VERSION) by Neil Simon, Director- Bill Moeller, Assistant Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, October
THE PIMSOLL LINE written and directed by Kimberly Berns, AugustEvergreen Playhouse completes final mortgage payment on Center Street location
THE CHALK GARDEN by Enid Bagnold, Director= Cheryl Hankinson,February
WHEN WE WERE MARRIED by J.B. Priestly, Director- Michael Helling, Assistant Director- Barb Geist, May
THE TAVERN by George M. Cohans, Director- Phillip Wickstrom,May
BLITHE SPIRIT by Noel Goward, Director- Jim Werner, Assistant Director and Stage Manager- Doug Phelps, October -
CRIMES OF THE HEART by Beth Henly, Director William Moeller, Assistant Director and Stage Manager, – Barb Geist, Feb
EVERYBODY LOVES OPAL by John Patrick, Director- Ed Jefferies, Assistant Director and Stage Manager- Tracey F. Keller, April
THE WIZARD OF OZ adapted by Lynn Sharon Schwartz, Director Norma Gorham, June
THE PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE by Neil Simon, Director- Anne Caldwell, October1991
THE GLASS MENAGERIE by Tennessee Williams, Director- Jim Werner, February
THE GIN GAME (DINNER THEATER) by D.L. Coburn, Directors- Bill Moeller and Harriet Rajala, March
A MIDSUMMER’S NIGHT’S DREAM by Shakespeare, Director Juni Greenough, April
CHARLOTTE’S WEB by Joseph Robinette, Director Norma Gorhan,June
THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT by Bill Manhoff, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, October
ANGEL STREET (Greasepaint Guild)1992
I NEVER SANG FOR MY FATHER by Robert Anderson, Director- Bill Moeller, February
THE GAZEBO by Alec Coppel, Director- Ed Jefferies, April
RUMORS by Neil Simon, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, October
A CHRISTMAS CAROL (Greasepaint Guild) by Michael Paller, Director- Sean O’Skea, December1993
THE MERRY WIVES OF WINSOR by Shakespeare, Director- Juni Greennough, February
CAUGHT IN THE VILLIANS WEB by Herbert E. Swayne, Director –Scott Snow, May
MARK TWAIN LIVES Presented by Bill Moeller, May
THE CEMETERY CLUB by Ivan Menchell, Director- John Panesko1994
THE FOREIGNER by Larry Schue, Director- Phillip Wickstrom, February
USE OF THE HALL by Oliver Haily, Director- Bill Moeller, April
THE HONORABLE URASHIMA TARO by Coleman A. Jennings, Director- Norma Gorham, June
THE BUTLER DID IT by Tim Kelly, Director - D. Douglas Lukascik, October
A SEASON SAMPLER (Hit and Run) Phillip Wickstrom, December1995
FANTASTICS by Tom Jones, Director- Michael Yannette, March
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW by Shakespeare, Director- Juni Greenough, May
ALADDIN Director- Norma Gorham, June
THE SUBJECT WAS ROSES by Frank Gilroy, Director- Marty Makenzie, Assistant Director- Harriet Rajala, October1996
YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU by Moss Hart and Geo Kaufman, Director- Suzy Winter, March
THE GOOD DOCTOR by Neil Simon, Director- Phillip Wickstrom,April
ALICE IN WONDERLAND Director Norma Gorham, June
ANY WEDNESDAY by Muriel Resnick, director- Linie Sherrod, August
NO SEX PLEASE, WE’RE BRITISH by Anthony Marriot and Alisatair Foot, Director- John Pinsker, November1997
WHOSE LIFE IS IT, ANYWAY? By Brian Clark, Director- Bill Moeller,February
EXIT THE BODY by Fred Carmichael, Director- George McKee, May
JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH by Rohald Dahl, Directors- Jeri Hess, Chery Haselwood, Wen Umberhaum, June
THE SOAPY MURDER CASE by Tim Kelly, Director- Linnie Sherrod ,Assistant Director- Mandi Wilber, August
ARESNIC AND OLD LACE by Joseph Kesseldring, Director-Dave Hendrick, November1998
ARTICHOKE by Joanne M. Glass, Director- Track Jacobson, February
LETTICE AND LOVAGE by Peter Shafter, Director- Deane Smith,March
FOOLS by Neil Simon, Director- Marty Makenzie, May
PRELUDE TO A KISS by Craig Lucas, Director Patti Jacka, November
WINTER FROLIC December1999
THE LAST OF THE RED HOT LOVERS by Neil Simon, Director- Olive Ouss, February
THE MISS FIRECRACKER CONTEST by Beth Henley, Director- Tracy Jacobson and Steve Pearson, March
STEEL MAGNOLIAS by Robert Harling, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, July -
PLAY ON by Rick Abbot, Director- Phillip Wickstrom, February
JAKE’S WOMEN by Neil Simon, Director- Bill Moeller, April
VOICES OF THE PRAIRIE by John Olive, Director Pug Bujeaud, May
SOME AMERICANS ABROAD (Vest Pocket Company) November2001
THE DIARIES OF ADAM AND EVE by Mark Twain, Director- John Panesko, February
COMEBACK TO THE FIVE AND DIME, JIMMY DEAN, JIMMY DEAN by Ed Graczyki, Director- Linnie Sherrod, April
HARVEY by Mary Chase, Director-Douglas Lukascik, Assistant Director- Amanda Wilber August
I DO I DO by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, Director- R.J. McKenzie Sullivan, October2002
PLAYBOY OF THE WESTERN WORLD by John Millgton Synge, Director- Phillip Wickstrom, February
FRIDA UN RETABLO (Cirque de Mayo) May
BORN YESTERDAY by Garson Kann, Director- Pug Bujeaud, June
DEATHTRAP by Ira Levin, Director- Pug Bujeaud- October
RECKLESS by Craig Lucas (Vest Pocket Travelling Theater) November2003
GOD’S FAVORITE by Neil Simon, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, January
GREATER TUNA by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and Ed Howard, Director- Isaac McKenzieSullivan, April
ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD by Tom Sheppards, Director- Pug Bujeaud, July
THE GREAT BIG DOORSTEP by Francis Goodrich and Albert Hacket, Director- Jack Connor, October
NIGHT MUST FALL by Emlyn Williams, Director –Phillip Wickstrom, February
SEVEN YEAR ITCH by George Axelrod, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, April
BOOK OF DAYS (TAO) by Lanford Wilsons, Director Pug Bujeaud, November
GREAT BIG DOORSTEP, Director Jack Connor2005
A DOLL’S HOUSE by Henrik Ibsen, Director- Phillip Wickstrom,February
ACCIDENTALLY YOURS by Pauline Williams Snapps, Director-Jack Conner, April
JUNGLE BOOK by Joseph Robinette, Director- Norma Gorham, June
MACBETH (TAO) Pug Bujeaud, September
THE CIRCLE by W. Semnersol Maughams, Director- Jack Conner,November2006
SUNSHINE BOYS by Neil Simon, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, November
GUYS AND DOLLS, Director Alyccea Elder, May
SOLID GOLD CADILLAC by Howard Teichmann and George S. Kaufman, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, October
STATE OF THE UNION by Howard Lindsay and Russell Crouse, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, April
PLAZA SUITE by Neil Simon, Director Katy Schockman, June2008
SLYVIA by A.R. Gurney, Director- Norma Rogers, April
ODD COUPLE (Female Version) by Neil Simon, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, October
OSCAR AND FELIX by Neil Simon, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik,October
INHERIT THE WIND by Jerome Lawrence, Director Pug Bujeaud, April2009
LAUGHTER ON THE 23RD FLOOR by Neil Simon, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, November
GUYS AND DOLLS (Children’s Workshop)2011
PROPOSALS by Neil Simon, Director- D. Douglas Lukascik, Assist Director- Katrina Wulff, November
DR. HORRIBLE’S SING-ALONG-BLOG by Josh and Jeb Whedon, Director- Sean O’Neil, Assist Director- Katrina Wulff, December
THE CEMETERY CLUB by Ivan Menchell, Directors- Norma Rogers, Melinda Brein, February
GYPSY by Jule Styne, Stephen Sondheim, Director Norma Rogers, May
EDUCATING RITA by Willy Russell, Director- Norma Rogers, June
ANNIE GET YOUR GUN Childrens Theater Workshop July/August2012
45 SECONDS FROM BROADWAY by Neil Simon, Director - D. Douglas Lukascik, October
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS by Howard Ashman, Director - Erin Baker, December
MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM by William Shakespeare, Director - Isaac Wulff, February
WAIT UNTIL DARK by Frederick Knott, Director - Norma Rogers, April
THE UNDERPANTS Director - Sean O'Neill, June2013
THE TEMPEST by William Shakespeare, Director - Isaac Wuff, October
THE BROTHERS GRIMM AND A SHOWGIRL Book/Lyrics by Bert Bernardi Music by Justin Rugg, Director - Erin Baker, February
THE UNINVITED by Tim Kelly, Director - Shane Rivers, April
KNOCK 'EM DEAD by Tom Oldendick & Will Roberson, Director - Wendy Hendrickson, June2014
I HATE HAMLET by Paul Rudnick, Director - Eric Mark, October
ROBIN HOOD by Tim Kelly, Director - Danielle Kays, December
THE DELICIOUS REVENGE OF PRINCESS RUBYSLIPPERS by Brendan Murray, Director - Katrina Wulff, February
A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE by Tennessee Williams, Director - Shane Rivers, April
COMEDY OF ERRORS by William Shakespeare, Director - Isaac Wulff, June2015
THE MUSICAL COMEDY MURDERS OF 1940 by John Bishop, Director - Rich Garrett, October
VINTAGE HITCHCOCK: A LIVE RADIO PLAY by Joe Landry, Director - Alene Stewart, October/November
A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Michael Paller, Director - Danielle Kays, December
LAURA INGALLS WILDER: VOICE OF THE PRAIRIE by Kathleen Schultz Miller, Director - Angela Wilcox, February
DEATHTRAP by Ira Levin, Director - Amber Roal, April
THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE by Finn, Sheinkin, Feldman, & Reiss, Director - Shane Rivers, June2016
GREASE by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey, Director - Shane Rivers, October
IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE Adapted by James W. Rodgers, Directors Amber Roal and Alene Stewart - December
A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS (popup show) by Charles M. Schultz, Director Eric Mark - December
MOON OVER BUFFALO by Paul Rudnick, Director Jeff Kingsbury - February
A FEW GOOD MEN by Aaron Sorkin, Director Matthew Osborne - March/April
GODSPELL Music and Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, Director Rich Garrett - May
BAREFOOT IN THE PARK by Neil Simon, Director Danielle Kays2017
CLUE: THE MUSICAL Book by Peter DePietro, Music by Galen Blum, Wayne Barker, and Vinnie Martucci, Lyrics by Tom Chiodo, Director - Shane Rivers, October
CHILDREN OF EDEN Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, Book by John Caird, Director Danielle Kays - December
REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE Dramatized by James Fuller from the screenplay by Stewart Stern, Adaptation by Irving Shulman from a story by Nicholas Ray, Director Rich Garrett - February
URINETOWN Music by Mark Hollmann, Lyrics by Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis, and Book by Greg Kotis, Director Fiona Thornton - March/April
AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by Agatha Christie, Director Michaela Hickey Caro - May
THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST by Oscar Wilde, Director Angela Wilcox2018
GUYS AND DOLLS Music and Lyrics by Frank Loesser Book by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows, Director Rich Garrett - October
SCROOGE THE MUSICAL Book, Music, and Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse, Director Dave Marsh - December
BLITHE SPIRIT by Noel Coward, Director Kevin McManus - February
THE SECRET GARDEN Book and Lyrics by Marsha Norman, Music by Lucy Simon, Director Danielle Kays - March/April
COME BACK TO THE 5 & DIME, JIMMY DEAN, JIMMY DEAN by Ed Graczyk, Director Michaela Hickey Caro - May
STEEL MAGNOLIAS by Robert Harling, Director Matthew Michael - June2019
PLAY ON! By Rick Abbott, Director Amber Roal - October
SCROOGE THE MUSICAL Book, Music, and Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse, Director Danielle Kays - December
DON’T DRESS FOR DINNER By Marc Camoletti and Robin Hawdon, Director Dave Marsh - January/February
NEXT TO NORMAL Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey, Music by Tom Kitt, Director Matthew Michael - March (1st weekend Only - Canceled Due to COVID-19)
ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST by Ken Kasey and Dale Wasserman, Director Pug Bujeaud - May (Canceled Due to COVID-19
MAMMA MIA! Music & Lyrics by Bjorn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson, Book by Catherine Johnson, Director Rich Garrett - June (Canceled Due to COVID-19) -
Season Canceled due to COVID-19
THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES by Tim Kelly, Director Jordan Baker, October
THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER by Barbara Robinson, Director Dave and Heather Marsh, December
NEXT TO NORMAL Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey, Music by Tom Kitt, Director Matthew Michael, February
ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST By Dale Wasserman Director Rich Garrett, March/April
MAMMA MIA! Music & Lyrics by Bjorn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson, Book by Catherine Johnson, Director Emilie Brown, May2022
A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED by Agatha Christie, Director Emilie Brown, October
IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin, Book by David Ives and Paul Blake, Director Michelle Koenen, December
THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK By Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, Newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman, Director Danielle Kays, February
LEND ME A TENOR By Ken Ludwig, Director Isaac McKenzieSullivan, March/April
TUCK EVERLASTING Book by Claudia Shear and Tim Federle, Music by Chris Miller, Lyrics by Nathan Tysen, Director Matthew Michael, May2023
MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS By Agatha Christie, Ken Ludwig, Directed by Nathan Crummett, October
JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH Music and Lyrics by Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, Book by Timothy Allen McDonald, Directed by Andrea Gordon, December
ALMOST, MAINE By John Cariani, Directed by Cass Manalastas, January
NUNSENSE Book, Music, and Lyrics by Dan Goggin, Directed by Matthew Michael, March
NOISES OFF By Michael Frayn, Directed by Emilie Brown, April
THE ADDAMS FAMILY Book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice, Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa, Directed by Michelle Koenen, June